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WhatsApp is delivering 100 billion messages daily

WhatsApp is delivering 100 billion messages daily

WhatsApp, the popular social media giant owned by Facebook, was acquired by Facebook for US$19 billion in February 2014. Since then, it has contributed largely in Facebook’s control over the emerging markets.   According to App Annie, WhatsApp is ranked Top100 in 96 countries’ Google Play Download...

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WhatsApp, the popular social media giant owned by Facebook, was acquired by Facebook for US$19 billion in February 2014. Since then, it has contributed largely in Facebook’s control over the emerging markets.  


According to App Annie, WhatsApp is ranked Top100 in 96 countries’ Google Play Downloads; and Top10 in 47 countries’ Google Plan Downloads. It is the national social media app in many countries.

WhatsApp is now delivering roughly 100 billion messages a day, the company’s Chief Executive Officer, Mark Zuckerberg, said in the Q3 quarterly conference meeting. While in 2014, there were 50 billion messages exchanges daily on WhatsApp, which was only 50% of the current volume. According to data from Tech Crunch, currently whatsApp should be the most popular social media app in daily message volume; which is higher than brother company Messenger, Apple iTunes or Tencent owned WeChat.

Besides the daily delivery of 100 billion messages, WhatsApp has 2 billion Monthly Active Users (“MAU”).  However, it is not easy for such a huge social media giant to generate cash, despite multiple attempts. WhatsApp introduced advertisement function in 2018. When users clicked on WhatsApp related advertisements, WhatsApp conversation window automatically came out.  At the same time, WhatsApp rolled out commercial API interface, to provide a platform for companies to communicate with existing and potential customers. Unfortunately, in January 2020, Facebook formally announced the exit of advertisement on WhatsApp. The plan to make earnings from advertisement was forced to cease.  

WhatsApp launched its payment services in Brazil in June 2020, from then it became a social platform which supports payment services, same as WeChat. However, shortly after the launch, Brazil Central Bank requested Mastercard and Visa to stop processing payments via WhatsApp. If they fail to comply with this requirement, they will be subject to big fines, penalties and administrative sanctions.  WhatsApp had no choice but to stop processing payments, to avoid heavy penalties or administrative sanctions.  According to Zaker news, Facebook plans to roll out payment services on WhatsApp to global users to support its e-commerce business development.  

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