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Facebook Adds Carts to WhatsApp to Make Shopping Easier

Facebook Adds Carts to WhatsApp to Make Shopping Easier

WhatsApp recently stated that a new shopping feature will be added to its app because the Facebook-owned instant messaging service hopes to attract more merchants and invite more users in its 2 billion user base to shop. This instant messaging platform has processed more than 175 million users' inf...

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WhatsApp recently stated that a new shopping feature will be added to its app because the Facebook-owned instant messaging service hopes to attract more merchants and invite more users in its 2 billion user base to shop. This instant messaging platform has processed more than 175 million users' information. The platform said it will add carts to users' WhatsApp around the world to welcome the holiday shopping season.


The aim of the carts is to make it easier for consumers to purchase a variety of products from one merchant, and to allow merchants to better track order queries and management requests. WhatsApp said that companies that have tested the feature recently have responded well, so it is adding this new feature. On WhatsApp, users can now see the option to add items to the cart. When it is done, the user will be able to send the order request as a message to the merchant. WhatsApp said that the cart will be launched on 8 December for global users.

In recent months, WhatsApp has added many features to its application to enhance the commerce experience. It introduced a QR code, a dedicated shopping button, and the ability to share product links in chat. The platform also provides free storage space for merchants to host their business messages.

For WhatsApp, success with commerce is critical. Despite its tremendous influence, it has made almost no money at present. Users can use this SMS application for free and no ads are required. But at least in emerging markets like India, it is expected to become a viable challenger for giants such as Amazon and Wal-Mart, because in these markets e-commerce is at a nascent phase.

India happens to be the largest market for WhatsApp by users, and several companies have already kicked off their commerce journeys on WhatsApp. Recently, Indian e-commerce start-up DealShare stated that it has raised US$21 million in a new round of financing. The life of DealShare started with WhatsApp. But as business activities on WhatsApp become more and more popular, it may also pose a huge challenge to emerging startups trying to operate in the same space.

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