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How to Get Free Coins on Habbo Hotel?

How to Get Free Coins on Habbo Hotel?

Nowadays, people increasingly need to be entertained during the epidemic without having to leave our homes, and one of the most common ways to be entertained is through our cell phones. Habbo Hotel is a particularly popular mobile game, and also one of the most fun. In order to win, you must comple...

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Nowadays, people increasingly need to be entertained during the epidemic without having to leave our homes, and one of the most common ways to be entertained is through our cell phones.

Habbo Hotel is a particularly popular mobile game, and also one of the most fun. In order to win, you must complete many missions. And, like other games, there is a currency available to help you successfully complete the game stages.


Unlike many other online communities with a common currency, coins are very scarce in Habbo (above mentioned as Habbo Hotel) - the only way to get them is by paying real-world money or getting them from other players. This means that in Habbo's world, they have a high value. Top-ups can be tricky if you don’t spend real money (especially because unethical players may try to scam you out of it), but with the right strategy, enough patience, and a healthy dose of common sense, it may be possible to make a Habbo fortune without spending a dime.

In this game, the currency is coins, and you can read the guide below to learn more. We will also show you how to earn free coins in the game.

Habbo Coins

The most important currency when playing Habbo Hotel is coins. You can earn coins throughout the game in several ways. The first and easiest way is to buy them with real money.

You can also get coins from other players if they choose to share them with you. Acquiring coins from other players can be very difficult because they are hard to earn, so sharing can be a challenge for most people.

Another way to make money without having to buy coins or ask other players to buy coins is to let them pass the stages and experience many different challenges.

How to Earn Free Habbo Coins

If you don’t have enough money to buy coins and other players won't share theirs with you, there are several ways to earn free coins

1. Complete the task of making quotations and surveys 

One sure way to make money with Habbo is to complete surveys and company quotations through the official Habbo website. To do this, first visit the “Earn Points” page under the “Points” tab on the official Habbo website. Log in and select one of the available quotations, then follow the instructions to earn your points. Track credit delivery by using the “Support” link on the credit offer page. Eventually, you should notice your new credits in your profile’s wallet.

2. Play coin games

Habbo provides dozens of games. Some are official Habbo creations, while others are made by users. Some are just for fun, while others entail high stakes. The latter may be a source of coins if you are lucky or skilled enough to win consistently, so please consider trying such games as a source of coins.


3. Host a game

While some games are free, other games (especially those made by the Habbo community and third parties) may require coins. Three common “pricing” options allow hosts to profit from the games--usually, hosts must pay in coins or furniture (which can be sold or traded for coins).

4. Buying and selling furniture

If you think you have what it takes to become a Habbo tycoon, start buying low and selling high! Furniture (called “furni” by Habbo users) is the cornerstone of the Habbo economy. In fact, buying Furni is a major reason why Habbo users want coins in the first place. Furni is available at literally every price level, so even if you start from scratch, it is possible, if you always sell Furni at profitable prices, to rise from the bottom.

5. Play Grabbers

In Habbo, a strange game that may earn you large coin prizes is called Grabbers (sometimes also called Rare Looters). Looters is essentially a game of pure chance. In the capture cards, the various prizes are arranged in a square grid. Players randomly choose two numbers from 1-6 (e.g. by rolling two dice) and win the prize in the corresponding square on the grid. Although sometimes the prizes are good, they are usually not wise long-term investments since you have to rely on sheer luck to win.

6. Get an in-game job

Your Habbo experience is not limited to interacting, trading and playing games. Believe it or not, some Habbo users even work in the Habbo world. To find a paying job, look in the navigator for rooms advertised as “Now Renting” or “Now Paying” (restaurants and cafes are good choices). Once you find one, talk to the owner and tell them you want the job. Beware--you may be asked to list your qualifications or prove that you are not a “rookie”!

7. Participate in promotions

Sometimes, one-off events in the Habbo world offer you the opportunity to earn coins in the game. These can take place in many different forms. Some involve special contests or games, others are events used to correct the Habbo economy after a major patch or modification to the Habbo world, and some are without categorization. However, these promotions will not last forever, so be ready for them as soon as you see them!

How to Use the Coins

In this game, gold coins enable you to buy Furni and join Habbo Club. The most interesting part about the game is that when you have Furni, you can move freely. You can also earn a lot of coins throughout the game using Furni.

To successfully play games like Habbo Hotel, you need to use internal currency. Free coins are not easy to get and you have to work hard for them.


Note: Avoid scams

1. Do not give out your login information

Habbo has an active community with 5 million independent users per month. Unfortunately, as with any community of any size, a small percentage of members are bad apples who don’t hesitate to cheat unsuspecting newcomers of their hard-earned coins. This deception can take on many forms--the most straightforward scheme is designed to steal your login information so that the scammer can take your coins and items.

2. Beware of unwanted casinos 

As of August 2014, Habbo has basically banned all casinos - no longer allowing random games of chance that reward furniture, and putting hard limit of three dice games per room. Before the ban, not all of Habbo’s casinos were well run, making gambling a dangerous source of revenue. However, since prohibited, gambling has become more illegal and informal. Don’t count on impromptu games of chance to make money--dealers or organizers can often easily steal money from you, especially when you need to make a bet or wager in advance.

3. Don’t trust others with your project

Never give anything (especially rare furniture) to someone you don't fully trust. Once you give something to another player, it’s theirs. Whatever they promise to do for you once they have the item, there is nothing stopping them from simply taking them and walking away. Therefore, under no circumstances should you give another player's items to another player unless they are a recognized friend.

4. Stay away from the so-called coin generators

When it comes to getting Habbo coins, if the offer seems too real, it probably is like this: For example, a common scam run by malicious third-party sites unrelated to Habbo is to generate cons for your account immediately and for free. While this offer may sound appealing, in reality, there is no way to get unlimited coins for free. The site offering this may ask for your login information, force you to complete a survey, or worse, stop you from getting free coins. In any case, you will never actually get the required coins, so do not bother with these fraudulent services.

5. Report suspicious gaming activity

If you encounter a scam attempt, or worse, if you are a victim of one, do not let the scammers get away with it. Instead, use the Call for Help (CFH) tool to report the fraudster to the host. The host has the administrative authority to stop the scam and, if necessary, remove the problematic participant from the community. While there are absolutely no guarantees, you may even be able to retrieve lost coins or furniture.

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