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How to see the World’s Most Profitable Dating App From Several Aspects

How to see the World’s Most Profitable Dating App From Several Aspects

While everyone is at home to prevent the epidemic, it is easier to make friends online. According to the latest released social apps report from Facebook, the global dating product market is growing rapidly. In addition, according to the 2020 Q2 earnings report released by Tinder’s parent company M...

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While everyone is at home to prevent the epidemic, it is easier to make friends online.

According to the latest released social apps report from Facebook, the global dating product market is growing rapidly.

In addition, according to the 2020 Q2 earnings report released by Tinder’s parent company Match Group, the company’s total Q2 revenue increased 12 percent year on year growth to $555 million, with the total revenue increased 14% year on year growth without changing exchange rates. Direct revenue in North America increased by 13% year-on-year, and international direct revenue increased by 11% year-on-year. Apart from the Indian market, which has been hit heavily by the outbreak, Tinder’s growth has been steady globally. At a time when the epidemic is raging and people’s scope and social activities are limited, online dating seems to be on the rise. To meet people, start right on Tinder. Tinder feels more at ease with her constant dating patterns than with her “reserved” offline socializing in masks during the epidemic.


Tinder is a location-based social search app that recommends different users to a person based on their locations and interests for social matching purposes. In the app, you can only start chatting if both parties show interest in each other.

In the experience, compared to the other competitors, Tinder offers a sense of ease. Combined with Tinder’s one-handed approach to product design, which product co-founder Jonathan Badeen talked about, the three principles of minimizing login time and making it easy to use, you can instantly understand where this sense of ease comes from.

One-handed operation: Let the hormone-induced impulse faster

It is easy to operate Tinder, after customizing information and interests. The product’s home page is divided into three parts: As a social app that uses first impressions to judge interest, Tinder puts images uploaded by users in the middle of the screen, occupying almost the entire page. In order to conform to the design concept of one-hand operation, the user uses Tinder to express his/her preference for user information by swiping left or right (left swipe means dislike, while right swipe can classify the user as like or super like), or click the corresponding button at the bottom of the screen to complete the filtering and marking of the user. At the top of the app’s navigation bar, Tinder added the home page to see people tagged as favourite people, chat, and personal settings.

Since conversations can only be held when both parties express their interest for each other, Tinder keeps the interaction mode of expressing their love and the option function in the centre and bottom of the product page, and the expression of attitude can be completed only with the movement of thumb, which greatly reduces the operation cost of users and keeps the information smooth from browsing to decision-making.

Shorten login time as much as possible: broaden social connections, increase the authenticity of information

Tinder offers access to Facebook, Apple ID and mobile phone numbers. For European and American users, logging in via Facebook is one of the most convenient ways to register. Logged in with a Facebook ID, it displays the user’s name, photo, age, and sexual orientation. On the other hand, through Tinder and Facebook account connection, the information is more authentic, and the photos are more authentic, reducing the chance of information fraud.

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