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Joint-Friendly Exercises: How Seniors Can Protect Knees And Lower Back

Joint-Friendly Exercises: How Seniors Can Protect Knees And Lower Back

In this article, we are going to discuss about the types of joint-friendly exercises and how can they be beneficial for the seniors.

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   It is generally believed that as people approach advanced age, they tend to suffer from physical and mental decline. Their bodies become weak, particularly the joints.

They also become vulnerable to various diseases. Exercises can help the seniors to remain active in their twilight years. Weak joints can have a significant impact on the mobility of seniors. 

Proper joint exercises can help them to restore their mobility. In this article, we are going to discuss about the types of joint-friendly exercises and how can they be beneficial for the seniors.

Types of joint-friendly exercises

Some of the common types of joint friendly exercises for seniors are as follows:

Walking lunges

One of the most popular types of joint-friendly exercises is walking lunges. It is an excellent form of exercise for strengthening the muscles of lower parts of the body. It also helps in enhancing balance and stability.

Several groups of muscles are involved in this type of exercise, such as quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and glutes.

If seniors perform walking lunges on a daily basis, they will not only improve their muscle strength but also challenge their coordination and proprioception, along with some significant aspects of functional fitness.

Moreover, since this type of exercise can be done without any equipment, seniors can easily perform this. It can also be modified to suit the individual requirement of each senior.

Chair yoga seated twists

Another good joint-friendly exercise is chair yoga seated twists. This form of exercise provides a gentle and effective way of improving spinal mobility and reducing stiffness. It helps to release stress from the spine, shoulders and neck while providing relaxation at the same time.

If seniors perform this exercise regularly, it will enable them to improve their flexibility, mobility and reduce discomfort. It will also support overall spinal health. 

Resistance band leg press

Another exercise which is beneficial for the joints is resistance band leg press. It is a versatile exercise which targets the lower body muscles while providing joint-friendly resistance at the same time. This form of exercise is similar to that of the motion of a traditional leg press machine.

The only difference is that it can be done at any place and at any time. A resistant band is only required for this exercise. Seniors can improve their lower-body strength by including resistant band leg press in their daily routine. It will also enhance their muscle tone and support their joint stability. 

Seated leg extension

Seated leg extension is a form of exercise for targeting the quadriceps muscles without placing much stress and pressure on the knees. This exercise is very much beneficial for seniors with knee problems since it isolates and strengthens the muscles of the front thigh.

Seated leg extension can help the seniors by improving their lower-body strength, enhancing stability of their knees and providing support to their joints. 

Wall pushups

Wall pushups are also very much beneficial for the joints. It is in fact a modified version of the traditional pushups. It helps to build strength without any equipment by targeting the shoulders, chest and triceps.

It is an excellent form of upper body workout which does not put much pressure and stress on the joints. It can be adjusted according to the fitness levels of each senior person. 

Advantages of joint-friendly exercises

Some of the major advantages of joint-friendly exercises are:

Helps in improving flexibility

As people age, their joints start to become stiff. Stiff joints will make it difficult for seniors to perform even the simplest of tasks. Exercises and stretching activity can help in improving the flexibility of the joints and keep them lubricated, thus enhancing mobility.

Low-impact stretching activities can provide strength to the muscle around your joints. This will provide some relief to the damaged joints.

Helps in reducing inflammation

Joint-friendly exercises also help the seniors to reduce inflammation in joints. This is one of the major advantages of these exercises. Chronic inflammation is a common cause of pain and damage. Proper exercises can help in reducing inflammation by stimulating the release of anti-inflammatory chemicals like cytokines in the body.

Researchers have found that doing moderate exercises on a treadmill for approximately 20 minutes was enough to produce an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Long-term exercises will help in reducing the amount of fat in the body, which releases inflammatory substances.

Strengthening the connective tissues

Tendons and ligaments are connective tissues which act like a glue which holds the body together. Ligaments attach a bone with another bone, whereas tendons attach a muscle with a bone. The flexibility and mobility of the joints is very much dependent on the ligaments and tendons.

Joint-friendly exercises can help in strengthening these tissues. If these tissues become stronger, it will reduce the risks of any joint-related injury. Regular exercises will help in enhancing the joint health by enabling them to reach a full range of mobility without getting damaged.

Helps to increase blood flow to the joints

Exercises will ensure the proper functioning of heart, which will increase blood circulation throughout the body, including the joints. Proper circulation of blood will ensure that the synovial membrane is getting a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients which are essential for maintenance and repair.

Regular exercises will also stimulate a biological process called autophagy where damaged cells in the joint will be broken down and removed.

Helps in losing weight

Joint-friendly exercises will also help in losing weight. This will be beneficial for the joints. Some light physical activities like walking and swimming can increase flexibility and mobility by reducing weight. This will enable the seniors to bend and stretch more easily with less strain on their joints.

Helps in improving balance and coordination

Exercises also help the seniors by improving their balance and coordination, thus protecting their joints by minimizing the risks of falling which could injure them. Improved balance and coordination will also make their bodies capable of protecting and stabilizing their joints during daily activities.

Joint-friendly exercises are very much beneficial for the seniors. It will enable them to remain active by increasing their mobility. Each senior can choose a form of exercise according to their individual preferences.  

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