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TikTok Partners with Shopify on Social Commerce

TikTok Partners with Shopify on Social Commerce

On 27th, October, Shopify—the e-commerce platform announced to partner with TikTok. Some of the media in China estimated that the two companies are going to build a social network influencer platform. In fact, according to the information released to the public, their cooperation will mainly focus ...

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On 27th, October, Shopify—the e-commerce platform announced to partner with TikTok. Some of the media in China estimated that the two companies are going to build a social network influencer platform. In fact, according to the information released to the public, their cooperation will mainly focus on advertisement. TikTok and Shopify will work together to provide millions of sellers in Shopify with a simple solution to launch video ads and track their performances in TikTok.


TikTok has already started its live stream monetization long ago. And in China, TikTok is a platform where a large number of influencers promote and sell products to audiences via live stream. It depends on the market whether the cooperation between the two platforms will lead to the influencer marketing mode or not.

Simply speaking, Shopify sellers can launch their video ads in TikTok, and are able to track the buyers’ behavior in the near future.

In the near future, Shopify sellers can download an application called “TikTok Channel App” in Shopify App Store. The sellers select the products they want to promote, choose the commercial ad models, and then create native video ads. After that, their ads will be displayed in TikTok video feed in a video form.

After launching ads, the next step is to track their performance. Reportedly, through the new platform, Shopify sellers could target their buyers based on users’ genders, ages, interested tags, etc. What’s more, advertisers can go on tracking their ad performances.

Meanwhile, Shopify has launched a tool called “TikTok Pixel”, which helps sellers to track user behaviors of the users from TikTok advertisement, so that they can assess performance of every campaign. And the user behaviors include page view, registration, add-to-cart, order and payment.

According to TechCrunch, to boost the cooperation between the two companies, TikTok also offers $300 bonus to seller who meet their requirements to help them start their promotion on TikTok.

For now, after users clicking TikTok ads, they will jump to a new page outside the APP. We heard that some of the Shopify sellers who run their own TikTok accounts have achieved in leading a number of their TikTok followers to buy their products in Shopify. On the other hand, rumors said that Zynn is going to cooperate with OFO. All of these reflect to us a fact that social commerce is booming. And that’s the reason why social platforms of Facebook and Google all start to develop their e-commerce businesses.

For better experiences, TikTok will surely develop its own seller platform.

According to TikTok, providing TikTok advertisement services and tracking tools to Shopify sellers is their first step of cooperation. They will broaden their cooperation in the future. It is said that TikTok is testing a new function to show sellers’ information and their products in their TikTok video ads and their TikTok account profiles.

As a representative of TikTok said, TikTok’s goal is to help the users complete their entire buying behaviors without jumping to other APPs or external pages.

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